
A list of all the posts and pages found on the site. For you robots out there is an XML version available for digesting as well.





Doodle Jump on FPGA

Developed the game “Doodle Jump” on the Altera DE-2 FPGA board as the final project for ECE 385 using System Verilog. The game used an USB mouse connection to move ‘Doodle’ and shoot enemies, and showed the gameplay with two types of monsters in a pseudo-randomly generated world on a VGA monitor.

Reddit Crawler

Developed a Reddit Bot to crawl through selected subreddits and find the frequency of selected words in the comments to create visualizations about the popularity of the words

What’s in this room?

Developed a simple program that tells you details about a class that is current being held at a room of your choice in any building at UIUC.


A discord bot to help host remote office hours and demos for “ECE 391 - Computer Systems Engineering” at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Meta-path Analysis on Spatio-Temporal Graphs for Trajectory Prediction

Analyzing meta-path based features on spatio-temporal graphs combined with a structural RNN structure to predict agent trajectories in autonomous scenes. The proposed model demonstrated the usefulness of these features and achieved a performance boost of at least 32% over all baselines.

In-car Gesture Generation

On the quest to find a diverse set of (possible new) gestures for in-car gesture based communication through learning based methods and existing gesture datasets.

Human Compatible Driving

Developing policies that provide instructions to drivers in an aim to reduce traffic congestion and carbon emissions.

To Trust or Not to Trust

Analyzing and building models to measure if Autonomous cars on a road should trust the actions of other cars on the road.


A Cloud-based Technology Solution for Geo-spatial Mapping of Diseases among Children for Strategic Healthcare Planning in Rural India

Published in ASCI Journal of Management, 2017

Recommended citation: Praveenkumar B. A., Srinivas A., H., Aamir, Anush S. K., Amogh M., Anirudh A., Devivaraprasad M., Rajashekar M., and Suresh K. " A cloud-based technology solution for geo-spatial mapping of diseases among children for strategic healthcare planning in rural india " ASCI Journal of Management, 46:77 – 88, 2017

Towards Co-operative Congestion Mitigation

Published in ICRA 2022 Workshop on Shared Autonomy in Physical Human-Robot Interaction: Adaptability and Trust, 2022

Recommended citation: A. Hasan, N. Chakraborty, C. Wu, and K. Driggs-Campbell. " Towards Co-operative Congestion Mitigation " IEEE ICRA 2022 Workshop on Shared Autonomy in Physical Human-Robot Interaction: Adaptability and Trust

Designing a Wayfinding Robot for People with Visual Impairments

Published in ICRA 2022 Workshop on Shared Autonomy in Physical Human-Robot Interaction: Adaptability and Trust, 2022

Recommended citation: A. Hasan, S. Liu, K. Hong, C.-K. Yai, J. Lin, W. Liang, M. A. Bayles, W. A. Rogers, K. Driggs-Campbell. " Designing a Wayfinding Robot for People with Visual Impairments " IEEE ICRA 2022 Workshop on Intelligent Control Methods and Machine Learning Algorithms for Human-Robot Interaction and Assistive Robotics

Beyond the Dashboard: Investigating Driver Preferences under Distraction for Communication with ADAS

Published in AutoUI and TRB-AM, 2024

Recommended citation: A. Hasan, D. L. McPherson, M. Miles K. Driggs-Campbell. " Beyond the Dashboard: Investigating Driver Preferences under Distraction for Communication with ADAS " Under Review at ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutoUI), 2024 and Presented at Transportation Review Board Annual Meeting (TRBAM), 2024.

Lessons in Cooperation

Published in AutoUI, 2024

Recommended citation: A. Hasan, N. Chakraborty, H. Chen, J.-H. Cho, C. Wu, and K. Driggs-Campbell. "Lessons in Cooperation: A Qualitative Analysis of Driver Sentiments towards real-time Advisory Systems through a Focus Group User Study" Under Review at ACM Conference on Automotive User Interfaces and Interactive Vehicular Applications (AutoUI), 2024

Cooperative Advisory Residual Policies for Congestion Mitigation

Published in JATS, 2024

Recommended citation: A. Hasan, N. Chakraborty, H. Chen, J.-H. Cho, C. Wu, and K. Driggs-Campbell. "Cooperative Advisory Residual Policies for Congestion Mitigation" Under Review at ACM Journal on Autonomous Transportation Systems, 2024


Teaching Assistant for ECE 498SM - Principles of Safe Autonomy

Undergraduate course, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2020

Developed two machines problems(MP) for the course over the summer:

  • An introductory MP to working with simulations, safety, control and perception
  • A final MP that includes all previous MPs worked on including localization, perception, and safety

Teaching Assistant for ECE 391 - Computer Systems Engineering

Undergraduate course, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2021

  • Head TA for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021.
  • Taught discussion sections every week to help students with course material.
  • Held supplemental sessions every week to enhance student knowledge in certain topics for the class.
  • Designed and graded exam questions, and held office hours every week.
  • Managed Piazza and Slack for intra-staff communication.
  • Created an infrastructure for holding office hours and demos online on Discord with a fully functional bot to work around COVID-19.
  • Received the ‘Harold L. Oelson Undergraduate Teaching Award’ for Fall 2019. Nominated for the award for Fall 2020 and Spring 2021.